What Is Corona Virus – Why People Call Chinese Virus?-coronavirus disease

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The novel corona virus has created a havoc all over the world. People have questions like -when is this pandemic going to end, is there a vaccine that can help to curb the spread and what can we do to protect ourselves and our family.

Well, firstly you don’t need to panic.

So, what is corona virus?

Well, it’s a whole family of viruses, SARS which first hit Hong Kong in 2002 was an outbreak which was caused by a type of corona virus.

The fact is that the common cold also belongs to the family of corona virus.

This virus is a whole new strain that was first discovered in Wuhan, China in 2019.

The disease you get when you catch the corona virus is called COVID-19.

For a long time the health officials did not even know what they were looking at.

They now suspect it was an animal virus which crossed over into human beings, potentially a live animal market.

We now know that the incubation period that is the time between when the person got infected and the time when he starts showing some symptoms can be as long as 14 days.

This is a dangerous thing because we can have infected people walking around and not even knowing they are spreading it to other people.

That’s why we see lockdowns all over the world.

Now the problem is that we see this virus starting from China, spreading into European countries and not even leaving the global superpower USA.

Now what happens to the patients of COVID-19.

Well, it’s a respiratory illness and looks like coughing, fever, headache and shortness of breath.

It spreads like other respiratory illness like sneezing or coughing on people.

It can even stay on hard surfaces for long time.

Its not a sudden death disease.

Sometimes, it may show mild symptoms and sometimes no symptoms at all.

For some, it may be like a very very bad cold and in severe cases it may lead to pneumonia. Some people may be hospitalized and put on respirators.

So, who is at risk?

Immunocompromised people, the elderly, people who have lung conditions or people who have chronic illnesses.

At present, we don’t have any vaccine.

Since this is a new strain of virus, scientists require time to develop the vaccine. To make sure its safe and effective, the vaccine will go through a lot of tests and trials.

As India enters lockdown 2.0, according to the health ministry, doubling rates of COVID-19 has reduced with the imposition of lockdown.

So, that one thing you can do to protect yourself from corona virus is

to stay home and follow safety measures like wearing a mask whenever you go out, washing your hands frequently with soap or use sanitizers. You should go out when its really very important.

Stay Home Stay Safe.


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